At each conference we ask the presenters to write a paper for the conference proceedings. Before 2023, the proceedings were not peer reviewed and can be considered as preprints. Starting in 2023, the proceedings are peer reviewed and published in a proceedings book.
Three page extended abstracts were submitted to the Orvium platform and reviewed by the scientific committee for inclusion in the conference program. The anonymous ratings and reviews are shared alongside each accepted abstract. Full papers, up to twelve pages, were also received in the Orvium platform and went through an single-blind open peer review. Extended abstracts of all presentations and all peer reviewed papers are published in the proceedings book.
All individual abstracts and papers, along with their open reviews, are available on the Orvium BMD Community Page:
We partnered with Figshare to create a branded collection,, with DOIs for each article or poster. Post conference, paper authors could opt in to share their paper under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
Post conference, authors could opt in to share their paper under a CC-BY license in a standard Figshare collection.
All abstracts and full papers were provided to conference attendees on CD. The contents of the CD are available on the BMD 2010 Proceedings website.
Following the conference, select authors were invited to submit papers to a special issue of Vehicle System Dynamics. Ten peer reviewed papers were published in Vehicle System Dynamcis Volume 50 Issue 8.